This market state and trends report is the first-of-a-kind comprehensive overview of the market state and trends of biomethane and green and blue hydrogen. The report identifies key trends across the supply chain of biomethane and green and blue hydrogen in Europe and tracks the status of each key trend towards achieving the required pathway developments in the early 2020s-2030.

“We are committed to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 2050 to meet the Paris Agreement target. Renewable gas used in existing gas infrastructure can play an important role in this.” The CEOs of Gas for Climate members.

“We are committed to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 2050 to meet the Paris Agreement target. Renewable gas used in existing gas infrastructure can play an important role in this.” The CEOs of Gas for Climate members.

The report outlines the way to a zero-emission energy system in Europe by 2050, where biomethane will play an important role and help to savings of 140 billion € a year for the European Union
a sustainable choice for the economy and the environment

Notes for the elaboration of a road map for the development of biogas done right and biogas refinery technologies in Italy.

Estimation methodology and data analysis regarding the Italian Biogas Consortium position paper.

Evaluation of the agronomic model of Biogasfattobene from the point of view of the double use of crops for the production of low-risk ILUC biomethane, overcoming the diatribe of the production of feed VS. The study also analyzes the practices already implemented by Italian farms with scientific data.

The Position Paper signed by the Italian Biogas Consortium together with Snam and Confagricoltura, outlining the guidelines for the development of biomethane production and distribution at national level in view of a broader strategy for decarbonisation in Italy.

The Italian Biogas Consortium manifesto, defining a model of a circular and virtuous farm economy called Biogasdoneright®, developed in the field by CIB farmers, combining anaerobic digestion technology with agronomic practices with the goal of lowering GHG emissions of agri-food production.