EU Parliament approves revision of Renewable Energy Directive. Missed opportunity to include biomethane target
The revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) voted by the European Parliament on Wednesday, Sept. 14, is a key element of the “Fit for 55” package to help the EU reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent by 2030 and strengthen energy security.
Although the position voted by MEPs goes in the right direction, refining the Commission’s proposal on many levels, EBA, the European Biogas Association, says the Parliament missed an opportunity to improve and implement the relationship with the REPowerEu targets by omitting the binding target of 35 billion cubic meters of biomethane by 2030 contained in the European Plan.
The legislation also defines sub-targets for emission-intensive sectors. The Parliament report, however, does not strengthen the Commission’s proposal on advanced biofuels (2.2 percent by 2030) while targeting renewable fuels of non-biological origin, such as hydrogen (5.7 percent by 2030).
Next steps
The Parliament and the Czech Council presidency will begin negotiations on legislative proposals that will provide an important opportunity to refine the Renewable Energy Directive.