The Biomethane Map 2021
EBA – European Biogas Association and GIE – Gas Infrastructure Europe launched the third edition of the Biomethane Map.
According to the EBA report, Europe now has more than 1,000 biomethane production plants thanks to the rapid growth of production in France, Italy and Denmark. Italy is in second place with more than 11 new plants started in 2020.
Plants are growing exponentially across Europe: the biomethane map shows that around 300 new units have started operations in the last year and a half.
Today, Europe has about 20,000 units in operation (the total number of biogas and biomethane plants). This is 40% more biomethane plants than in the previous edition published in 2020.
Sustainable biomethane can cover up to 30-40% of the EU’s projected gas consumption by 2050, with an estimated production of at least 1,000 TWh.
This result is an important stepping stone for the decarbonisation of the entire EU economy.